12th Workshop on Meteorological Sensitivity Analysis and Data Assimilation

May 20th to May 24th, 2024 | Lake George, New York, USA


Welcome to the website for the 12th Workshop on Meteorological 

Sensitivity Analysis and Data Assimilation

Registration is now closed.

This is the 12th in the series of "Adjoint Workshops" that began in 1992. It is intended to provide public evaluation of new works, reviews of techniques, and tutorials on fundamentals. Historically, more than half of each workshop has been devoted to data assimilation issues. Presentations from oceanography, geo-sciences, or engineering are welcome as are applications of techniques that do not include adjoint models but concern the applications to which they may otherwise apply. Opportunities for oral and poster presentations will be available. All presenters are encourages to "teach us something that you have learned" rather than to "advertise to us what you have done." The audience will be provided ample time and encouragement to critique and discuss all presentations.

This 12th workshop will be held in from May 20th to May 24th, 2024 at the Fort William Henry Hotel in Lake George NY, USA. This venue was chosen to provide a secluded and intimate venue for discussions around the work.

Funds will be available for a limited number of students and postdocs from U.S.-based students to provide partial travel support. A brief set of pre-workshop tutorials describing some fundamentals not generally presented elsewhere will be offered on Sunday 19th May before the workshop to help novices in the field to spin up their understanding. Workshop supported students and postdocs will be expected to attend these tutorials.

If you are interested in receiving notifications about the workshop via email, please complete the below form.

Adjoint Workshop Sponsors